Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Busy Bees?? You Mean Busy Chickens.

The flies are buzzing around. Bees are working hard. But it's our chickens that are truly busy. They are more efficient than any Toyota or Ford assembly line!! Not only are the eggs stacking up, but the girls are hard at work eating the bugs and turning the compost. We owe them so much more than we can ever imagine. Yeah sure.... our yogurt based pancakes wouldn't be the same without their rich yellow eggs, but the farm would just be a vacant lot without them. They eat our waste, produce our "fertilizer", work our compost, manage our pastures, keep our guests of all ages filled with joy, and the list goes on and on. If only they could take reservations and update our websites!!

And then there is Cortez. He is not so busy.

The Heat Is On

Well ... I'm guessing by now the secret is out on the gorgeous "summer" weather we've been graced with this past week!! Those who came up last weekend got a real treat and it's supposed to carry through this coming weekend. That's good news for anyone looking for a little escapade out into the islands!! The Harbor Hideaway and Abigail's Beach House are booked, but we still have some space on the farm. Give us a holler!!